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Norihito OGATA

Publisher: artbeat publishers

"Rasterizer" features Norihito Ogata's new work "Datascape_On_the_shoreline", which was developed from the series ‘On the Shoreline’ (2012) as the base concept. ‘On the Shoreline’ are images of buildings that were damaged by The Great East Japan Earthquake. These images are reconstructed using photographic typology. Approximately 400 photographs have been cut into squares of 245 pixels and these cut pieces have been randomly restructured to recreate a new typology. The images visualize the process of rasterization and indicate the ambiguity between destruction and restoration.

― Statement from the publisher.

$30.21 15% discount $25.68

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Book Size
182 x 240 mm
112 pages
Soft cover
Publication Date
English, Japanese,
1,000 copies
Printed in Japan
ISBN 978-4-902080-59-9

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